New Office Update!


New Office Update!

Okay so there isn’t a whole lot of glamorous images to share with you guys on the office, but since you guys keep asking, I wanted to share a little update.

In the warehouse, our friends over at Green Home, helped us remove a couple of non-structural partition walls to open up the space completely. Now it is about 2,500 SF of just open space waiting to be filled with all sorts of product and goods for our clients. As we have grown, the need for warehousing and a place to potentially provide retail (shhhhhhhhhhh….. #longtermgoals) has become so urgent. While we wait for our custom cabs for the studio, we thought it might be good to really get the warehouse dialed in.

To that end, we ordered 13 pallet racks for storage and some amazingly beautiful bookcases to line the public side of the warehouse to put all of our accessories and soft goods. Literally can’t wait to see it all come together. I put together the materials board for the front of house selections and it has all the PNW vibes our clients are looking for.
